1 enter
اِلْتَحَقَ بِـ \ enter: to become a member of (a school, etc.). \ وَلَجَ \ enter: to come in or go in: You must pay before you enter (the cinema). -
2 enter
دَخَلَ \ enter: to come in or go in: You must pay before you enter (the cinema), become a member of (a school, etc.). get (got, gotten): (with various adverbs and prepositions) to move or go: He could not get past the guard. run: to make (sth.) go somewhere: He ran a sword through his enemy’s body. -
* * *m. school (þeir váru báðir saman í skóla).* * *a, m. [Gr. -Lat.], a school; vera í skóla, Fms. ix. 245; góðan skóla, Sks. 246; halda skóla, Mar.; fara í skóla, to enter a school; fara úr skóla, to leave a school; skipa e-m í skóla, Fms. xi. 427, 428; barna-s., a school for children; Látinu-s., a grammar-school; há-skóli, a high school.COMPDS: skólabók, skólabróðir, skólagenginn, skólakennari, skolaklerkr, skólameistari, skólanafn, skólapiltr, skólaröð, skólastúka, skólasveinn. -
4 입학하다
v. enter a school -
5 ingresar
v.1 to deposit, to pay in (money). (peninsular Spanish)Ella ingresó dinero She deposited money.2 to enter, to come in, to join.El jefe ingresó de repente The boss entered suddenly.El chico ingresó los datos The boy entered the data.3 to affiliate.La escuela ingresó a María The school affiliated Mary.4 to receive.Nos ingresa dinero We receive money.* * *1 (dinero) to pay in, deposit1 (entrar) to join2 (hospital) to be admitted to\ingresar cadáver to be dead on arrival* * *verb* * *1. VTquería ingresar este cheque — I'd like to pay in this cheque o to deposit this cheque
he ingresado 500 euros en mi cuenta/en el banco — I've paid 500 euros into my account/the bank, I've deposited 500 euros in my account/the bank
ingresa 2.500 euros al mes — he earns 2,500 euros a month
2) (=internar)a) [en institución]la ingresaron en la cárcel hace dos días — she was put in prison o sent to prison two days ago
ingresar a algn en un colegio — to enrol sb in a school, send sb to a school
b) [en hospital] to admit (en to)un paciente ingresado a consecuencia de una intoxicación — a patient admitted to hospital o (EEUU) to the hospital as a result of food poisoning
2. VI1) (=entrar)a) [en institución] to joinfue la primera mujer que ingresó en o LAm a la Academia — she was the first woman to be elected to the Academy o to become a member of the Academy
ingresar en o LAm a la cárcel — to go to prison, be sent to prison•
ingresar en el o LAm al ejército — to join the army, join up•
ingresar en o LAm a una sociedad — to become a member of a club, join a club•
ingresar en o LAm a la universidad — to start university, begin one's university studiesb) (Med)•
ingresar en el hospital — to be admitted to hospital, be admitted to the hospital (EEUU), go into hospital, go into the hospital (EEUU)falleció poco después de ingresar en el hospital — she died shortly after being admitted to hospital, she died shortly after she went into hospital
el agente se encuentra ingresado en el hospital universitario — the police officer is a patient in the university hospital
2) (Econ) [dinero] to come in3.See:* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) personaa) (en organización, club) to join; ( en colegio) to enter; ( en el ejército) to joiningresar en la cárcel — to be taken to jail, be placed in jail
ingresó cadáver — (Esp) he was dead on arrival
b) (AmL period) (entrar, introducirse)2) dinero to come in2.ingresar vt1) < persona> ( en hospital) to admit2) (Esp) (Fin) < dinero> to pay iningresar una cantidad en una cuenta — persona to pay a sum into an account; banco to credit an account with a sum
* * *= pay.Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio paid.Ex. I am also committed, however -- and this is what our taxpayers are paying us for -- to serving our library users, the people who are paying our salaries.----* ingresar en hospital = hospitalise [hospitalize, -USA].* ingresar en los fondos = accession.* ingresar en una orden religiosa = join + religious order.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) personaa) (en organización, club) to join; ( en colegio) to enter; ( en el ejército) to joiningresar en la cárcel — to be taken to jail, be placed in jail
ingresó cadáver — (Esp) he was dead on arrival
b) (AmL period) (entrar, introducirse)2) dinero to come in2.ingresar vt1) < persona> ( en hospital) to admit2) (Esp) (Fin) < dinero> to pay iningresar una cantidad en una cuenta — persona to pay a sum into an account; banco to credit an account with a sum
* * *= pay.Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio paid.Ex: I am also committed, however -- and this is what our taxpayers are paying us for -- to serving our library users, the people who are paying our salaries.
* ingresar en hospital = hospitalise [hospitalize, -USA].* ingresar en los fondos = accession.* ingresar en una orden religiosa = join + religious order.* * *ingresar [A1 ]viA «persona»quiere ingresar en el or al club local he wants to become a member of o join the local clubingresó en el colegio secundario en 1972 she started (at) o entered High School in 1972 ( AmE), she started (at) o entered Secondary School in 1972 ( BrE)2 (en un hospital) to go in, be admittedle aconsejó ingresar de inmediato en el hospital he advised her to go into hospital immediatelyfue operado poco después de ingresar en el hospital he was operated on shortly after being admitted to (the) hospital o after being hospitalizedingresó cadáver ( Esp); he was dead on arrival3(en la cárcel): ingresar en la cárcel to be taken to jail, be placed in jailingresaron en prisión preventiva they were remanded in custody4( AmL period) (entrar, introducirse): los ladrones ingresaron a su casa the thieves broke into her houselos jugadores ingresan en el terreno de juego the players are coming onto the fieldB «dinero» to come inel dinero que ingresa en el país proveniente del turismo extranjero the money which comes into the country through foreign tourism, the money which foreign tourism brings into the country¿cuánto dinero ha ingresado en caja este mes? how much money have we/you taken this month?■ ingresarvtA ‹persona› (en un hospital) to admithubo que ingresarlo de urgencia he had to be admitted o hospitalized as a matter of urgency, he had to be rushed to (the) hospitalel médico decidió ingresar lo the doctor decided to send him to hospitalfueron ingresados ayer en este centro penitenciario they were brought to o placed in this prison yesterday1 (en una cuenta) to credithemos ingresado esta cantidad en su cuenta we have credited this sum to your account, we have credited your account with this sumingresé el dinero en el banco/en su cuenta I paid the money into the bank/into his account2 (percibir, ganar) to earn* * *
ingresar ( conjugate ingresar) verbo intransitivo
1 [ persona] (en organización, club) to join;
( en colegio) to enter;
( en el ejército) to join;
ingresó cadáver (Esp) he was dead on arrival
2 [ dinero] to come in
verbo transitivo
1 ‹ persona› ( en hospital):
hubo que ingresarlo de urgencia he had to be admitted as a matter of urgency;
fueron ingresados en esta prisión they were taken to this prison
2 (Esp) (Fin) ‹dinero/cheque› to pay in;
[ banco] to credit an account with a sum
I verbo transitivo
1 Fin (en un banco) to deposit, pay in
(recibir ganancias) to take in
2 Med to admit: me ingresaron con una crisis nerviosa, I was admitted with a nervous breakdown
II verbo intransitivo
1 to enter: este año ingresa en la Universidad, this year he goes to University
ingresar en un club, to join a club
2 Med ingresó a las cinco, he was admitted (to hospital) at five (o'clock)
ingresó cadáver, to be dead on arrival
' ingresar' also found in these entries:
- bank
- deposit
- enter
- hospitalize
- join
- pay in
- credit
- grammar
- pay
* * *♦ vtingresar dinero en una cuenta to deposit money in an account, to pay money into an account;los pagos me los ingresan en mi cuenta the money is paid into my account, the payments are credited to my account2. [dinero] [ganar] to make, to earn;la empresa ingresa varios millones cada día the company makes several million a day♦ vi1.[convento, universidad] to enter;ingresar en [asociación, ejército] to join;la primera mujer que ingresa en la Academia the first woman to become a member of the Academy2.Espingresar en [hospital] to be admitted to;ingresar cadáver to be dead on arrival3.ingresar en [prisión] to go to, to be sent to;el terrorista ingresó ayer en prisión the terrorist went o was sent to prison yesterdayun desconocido ingresó al palacio real an unidentified intruder got into the royal palace* * *I v/i:II v/t cheque pay in, deposit* * *ingresar vt1) : to admitingresaron a Luis al hospital: Luis was admitted into the hospital2) : to depositingresar vi1) : to enter, to go in2)ingresar en : to join, to enroll in* * *ingresar vb1. (en el hospital) to go into hospital2. (en la universidad) to start3. (hacerse miembro) to join -
6 Übertrittszeugnis
n Schule: report with the average mark (Am. grade) required to enter a school of a higher academic standard* * *Über|tritts|zeug|nisnt(für andere Schule) transfer report, report with the average mark required to enter a school of a higher academic standard* * * -
7 поступить в школу
1) General subject: enter a school, go to school2) Makarov: enter school -
8 поступать
поступить1. actкак нам теперь поступить? — how shall we act now?, what shall we do now?
поступать плохо с кем-л. — treat smb. badly
он не знает, как поступить с этими книгами — he doesn't know what to do with these books
3. (в вн.; вступать, зачисляться) enter (d.), join (d.); (к) go* to work (for)поступать в университет — join / enter the university
поступать в школу — enter / start school
поступать на военную службу — join up, или enlist, in the army
4. ( о посланном) be forthcoming; (о заявлении и т. п. тж.) be received; come* inпоступила жалоба — a complaint was received, или came in
поступать в производство — go* into productionпоступать в продажу — be on sale, be on the market
9 поступать
несов. - поступа́ть, сов. - поступи́ть1) ( совершать поступок) act, doему́ не сле́довало так поступа́ть — he should not have acted / done so
как нам тепе́рь поступи́ть? — what shall we do now?
2) (с кем-л; обходиться) treat (smb); (с чем-л; распоряжаться) deal (with smth)поступа́ть пло́хо с кем-л — treat smb badly
он не зна́ет, как поступи́ть с э́тими кни́гами — he doesn't know what to do with these books
3) (в вн.; вступать, зачисляться) enter (d), join (d); go to work (for)поступа́ть в университе́т — join / enter the university
поступа́ть в шко́лу (о ребёнке) — enter / start school
поступа́ть на рабо́ту — get a job
поступа́ть на вое́нную слу́жбу — join up [enlist] in the army
4) ( прибывать) come, arrive; (о заявлении и т.п. тж.) be received; come inпоступи́ла жа́лоба — a complaint was received [came in]
де́ло поступи́ло в суд — the case came up before the law court, the case was taken to court
к нам поступа́ет мно́го пи́сем — we receive a lot of letters
••поступа́ть в произво́дство — go into production
поступа́ть в прода́жу — be on sale, be on the market
10 поступать в школу
1) General subject: go to school2) Makarov: enter a school -
11 chuja
------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] cleanse[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] examine[Part of Speech] verb[Swahili Example] Aziza alikuwa daima akinitazama kwa kunichuja [Abd]------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] filter[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] isolate[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] pick out[Part of Speech] verb[Swahili Example] chuja watu wengine[English Example] pick out a few people------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] press out[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] purify[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] refine[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] scan[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] scrutinize[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] select[Part of Speech] verb[Swahili Definition] kuchagua [Masomo 256][Swahili Example] Mtihani unachuja watoto wenye uwezo waingie sekondari [Masomo 256][English Example] The exam selects the students having the ability to enter secondary [school].------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] separate[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] sort[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[Swahili Word] -chuja[English Word] strain[Part of Speech] verb[Swahili Definition] kutoa maji na kuacha vitu visivyo maji maji[Swahili Example] Osha limao, kamua maji yake, chuja katika bakuli safi [Masomo 15]------------------------------------------------------------ -
12 طلب (اسم)
طَلَبٌ (اسم) \ application: applying sth. applied: An application of heat may help to lessen the pain. He made application for his son to enter the school. apply: to ask, esp. in writing: He applied (to me) for permission. demand: (an act of) demanding: They refused all his demands, a need (for goods, workers, etc.) The demand for new cars is greater than the supply. Language teachers are in great demand. order: a statement (made to an attendant or a trader) of what one wants: The waiter took my order for 3 cups of coffee. I sent an order to London for some new books. request: asking: He came at my request (because I asked him). Our requests were refused. -
13 application
طَلَبٌ (اسم) \ application: applying sth. applied: An application of heat may help to lessen the pain. He made application for his son to enter the school. apply: to ask, esp. in writing: He applied (to me) for permission. demand: (an act of) demanding: They refused all his demands, a need (for goods, workers, etc.) The demand for new cars is greater than the supply. Language teachers are in great demand. order: a statement (made to an attendant or a trader) of what one wants: The waiter took my order for 3 cups of coffee. I sent an order to London for some new books. request: asking: He came at my request (because I asked him). Our requests were refused. -
14 apply
طَلَبٌ (اسم) \ application: applying sth. applied: An application of heat may help to lessen the pain. He made application for his son to enter the school. apply: to ask, esp. in writing: He applied (to me) for permission. demand: (an act of) demanding: They refused all his demands, a need (for goods, workers, etc.) The demand for new cars is greater than the supply. Language teachers are in great demand. order: a statement (made to an attendant or a trader) of what one wants: The waiter took my order for 3 cups of coffee. I sent an order to London for some new books. request: asking: He came at my request (because I asked him). Our requests were refused. -
15 demand
طَلَبٌ (اسم) \ application: applying sth. applied: An application of heat may help to lessen the pain. He made application for his son to enter the school. apply: to ask, esp. in writing: He applied (to me) for permission. demand: (an act of) demanding: They refused all his demands, a need (for goods, workers, etc.) The demand for new cars is greater than the supply. Language teachers are in great demand. order: a statement (made to an attendant or a trader) of what one wants: The waiter took my order for 3 cups of coffee. I sent an order to London for some new books. request: asking: He came at my request (because I asked him). Our requests were refused. -
16 order
طَلَبٌ (اسم) \ application: applying sth. applied: An application of heat may help to lessen the pain. He made application for his son to enter the school. apply: to ask, esp. in writing: He applied (to me) for permission. demand: (an act of) demanding: They refused all his demands, a need (for goods, workers, etc.) The demand for new cars is greater than the supply. Language teachers are in great demand. order: a statement (made to an attendant or a trader) of what one wants: The waiter took my order for 3 cups of coffee. I sent an order to London for some new books. request: asking: He came at my request (because I asked him). Our requests were refused. -
17 request
طَلَبٌ (اسم) \ application: applying sth. applied: An application of heat may help to lessen the pain. He made application for his son to enter the school. apply: to ask, esp. in writing: He applied (to me) for permission. demand: (an act of) demanding: They refused all his demands, a need (for goods, workers, etc.) The demand for new cars is greater than the supply. Language teachers are in great demand. order: a statement (made to an attendant or a trader) of what one wants: The waiter took my order for 3 cups of coffee. I sent an order to London for some new books. request: asking: He came at my request (because I asked him). Our requests were refused. -
18 entrar
v.1 to enter, to come in (introducirse) (viniendo).déjame entrar let me inentrar en algo to enter something, to come/go into somethingentré por la ventana I got in through the windowEl auto entró fácilmente The car entered easily.Elsa entró los datos Elsa entered the data.2 to go in.entrar en algo to go into something3 to fit.esta llave no entra en la cerradura this key won't fit in the lockeste anillo no me entra I can't get this ring on my fingerel pie no me entra en el zapato I can't get this shoe on4 to join in.no entremos en cuestiones morales let's not get involved in moral issuesyo ahí ni entro ni salgo it has nothing to do with me5 to start (time).el verano entra el 21 de junio summer starts on 21 June6 to engage (automobiles).no entra la tercera it won't go into third gear7 to bring in.8 to take in.9 to approach, to deal with.a ése no hay por donde entrarle there's no way of getting through to him10 to be visited by.Nos entraron muchos turistas We were visited by many tourists.11 to catch, to take.Me entró un resfrío I cought [took] a cold.* * *1 (ir adentro) to come in, go in2 (tener entrada) to be welcome3 (en una sociedad etc) to join; (en una profesión) to take up, join4 (encajar, caber) to fit5 (empezar - año, estación) to begin, start; (- período, época) to enter; (- libro, carta) to begin, open6 (venir) to come over, come on7 (alcanzar) to reach8 (deberes, planes) to come, enter9 (adoptar) to enter (into), get (into)10 INFORMÁTICA to access11 AUTOMÓVIL to engage, change into12 MÚSICA to come in, enter (al escenario) to enter1 (meter) to put2 (de contrabando) to smuggle3 COSTURA to take in1 to get in\bien entrado,-a... well into...el año que entra next year, the coming yearentrado,-a en años / entrado,-a en edad figurado getting on in yearsentrar a trabajar to begin workentrar con buen pie figurado to get off on the right footentrar en cólera to get angryentrar en contacto to get in touchentrar en detalles to go into detailsentrar en materia to give an introductionentrar en religión to enter a religious orderese tío no me entra familiar I can't stand that guyhacer entrar to invite inno entrar ni salir en algo familiar to be indifferent to somethingno me entra el latín familiar I can't get the hang of Latinno me entra en la cabeza familiar I can't believe it, I can't get my head round it* * *verb1) to enter, go in2) access* * *1. VI1) [en un lugar] [acercándose al hablante] to come in, enter más frm; [alejándose del hablante] to go in, enter más frm-¿se puede? -sí, entra — "may I?" - "yes, come in"
entré en o LAm a la casa — I went into the house
espera un momento, es solo entrar y salir — wait for me a minute, I won't be long
2) (=encajar)la maleta no entra en el maletero — the case won't go o fit in the boot
el sofá no entraba por la puerta — the sofa wouldn't go o fit through the door
¿entra uno más? — is there room for one more?, will one more fit?
estoy lleno, ya no me entra nada más — I'm full, I couldn't eat another thing
las historias de este libro entran de lleno en el surrealismo — the stories in this book are genuinely surrealist, the stories in this book come right into the category of surrealism
3) (=estar incluido)4) (=comenzar)a) [persona]¿a qué hora entras a clase? — what time do you start school?
b)c) [época, estación]el mes que entra — the coming month, next month
5) [con sensaciones]6) [conocimientos, idea]no les entra en la cabeza que eso no puede ser así — they can't seem to get it into their heads that this isn't on
7) * (=soportar) to bear, standese tío no me entra — I can't bear o stand that fellow
8) (Inform) to access9) (Mús) [instrumento, voz] to come in10) (Teat) to enter2. VT1) * [+ objeto] [acercándose al hablante] to bring in; [alejándose del hablante] to take inno podrás entrar el sillón por esa puerta — you won't be able to get the armchair in through that door
necesitó ayuda para entrar el coche en el garaje — he needed some help getting the car into the garage
2) * (=abordar a) to deal with, approachsabe entrar a la gente — he knows how to deal with o approach people
3) [+ futbolista] to tackle4) (Mil) to attackENTRAR Para precisar la manera de entrar Entrar (en ) por regla general se suele traducir por come in(to ) o por go in(to), según la dirección del movimiento (hacia o en dirección contraria al hablante), pero, come y go se pueden substituir por otros verbos de movimiento si la frase en español explica la forma en que se entra: Entró cojeando en Urgencias He limped into Casualty Acabo de ver a un ratón entrar corriendo en ese agujero I've just seen a mouse running into that hole Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( acercándose) to come in; ( alejándose) to go inhazla entrar — tell her to come in, show her in
entró corriendo — he ran in, he came running in
¿se puede entrar con el coche? — can you drive in?
¿cómo entró? — how did he get in?
entrar en or (esp AmL) a algo: entró en el or al banco she went into the bank; nunca he entrado en or a esa tienda I've never been into o in that shop; no los dejaron entrar en or a Francia they weren't allowed into France; las tropas entraron en or a Varsovia — the troops entered Warsaw
2)a) (en etapa, estado)el reactor entró en funcionamiento — the reactor began operating o became operational
b) ( en tema)3)a) (introducirse, meterse)cierra la puerta, que entra frío — close the door, you're letting the cold in
b) ( poderse meter)¿entrará por la puerta? — will it get through the door?
c) ( ser lo suficientemente grande) (+ me/te/le etc)d) (fam) materia/lección/idea (+ me/te/le etc)la física no le entra — he just can't get the hang of o get to grips with physics (colloq)
ya se lo he explicado, pero no le entra — I've explained it to him but he just doesn't understand o he just can't get it into his head
e) (Auto) cambios/marchas4) hambre/miedo (+ me/te/le etc)le entró hambre/miedo — she felt o got hungry/frightened
me entró sueño/frío — I got o began to feel sleepy/cold
5) ( empezar) to start, beginentró de or como aprendiz — he started o began as an apprentice
entrar a matar — (Taur) to go in for the kill
6)a) ( incorporarse)entrar en or (esp AmL) a algo — ejército/empresa/convento to enter something
el año que entré en or a la universidad — the year I started college
acabo de entrar en or a la asociación — I've just joined the association
entrar en algo — guerra/campeonato/negociación to enter something
b) (Mús) instrumento/voz to come in, enter7)a) ( estar incluido)¿cuántas entran en un kilo? — how many do you get in a kilo?
eso no entraba en mis planes — I hadn't allowed for that, that wasn't part of the plan
esto ya entra en lo ridículo — this is becoming o getting ridiculous
b) ( ser incluido)estos números entrarán en un sorteo — these numbers will be included in o be entered for a draw
8)a) torob) futbolista to tacklerecoge Márquez, le entra Gordillo — Márquez gets the ball and he is tackled by Gordillo
9) ( en costura)2.¿cómo van a entrar el sofá? — how are they going to get the sofa in?
* * *= go into, go into, pass into, go in, step inside, walk in/into, come in, walk through + the door, patronise [patronize, -USA], patronage.Nota: Como cliente o usuario.Ex. As something you may or may not know, every item going into the processing stream is assigned a priority, and our judgment will in many cases be different from yours, as our needs will be different from yours.Ex. As something you may or may not know, every item going into the processing stream is assigned a priority, and our judgment will in many cases be different from yours, as our needs will be different from yours.Ex. An abstracting bulletin is generally a weekly or monthly current-awareness service containing abstracts of all documents of interest that have passed into the library or information unit during that time.Ex. But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.Ex. He pushed open the door and stepped inside.Ex. 'When you walked in here, Tony, you looked as if you'd just seen a ghost' = "Tony, cuando entrastes aquí parecía como si hubieras visto un fantasma".Ex. Their duty is to come in before school each morning and check that the book checking system is in order and that the library is tidy and presentable.Ex. As I walk through the door of the first sporting goods store, I look for the running shoes I want.Ex. In the light of the continuing authoritarianism demonstrated by most librarians towards their patrons, it is small wonder that so few people patronized America's public libraries.Ex. 'Exit' is a vow, or intention, to never again patronage the offending library.----* al entrar = on entry.* aventurarse a entrar en = venture into.* entrado en años = long in the tooth.* Entra en mi salón, dijo la araña... = Come into my parlour, said the spider....* entrar a formar parte de = enter in.* entrar a hurtadillas = steal into.* entrar apresuradamente = hurry in.* entrar a saco = burst into, storm into.* entrar bajo la competencia de = fall under + the purview of.* entrar con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.* entrar de lleno = plunge into.* entrar de lleno en = get + stuck into, get + stuck into.* entrar dentro de = fall into, fall under.* entrar dentro de la categoría de = fall under + the heading of.* entrar dentro de la competencia de = fall + under the purview of.* entrar dentro de la competencia de Alguien = fall within + Posesivo + purview.* entrar dentro de la jurisdicción de = fall under + the jurisdiction of.* entrar dentro del ámbito de = fall into + the ambit of.* entrar dentro de la responsabilidad de = fall under + the jurisdiction of, fall under + the auspices of, fall under + the purview of.* entrar dentro del dominio de = fall under + the umbrella of.* entrar dentro de una categoría = fall into + category, fall under + rubric.* entrar de sopetón = burst into, storm into.* entrar en = fall within/into, get into, walk into, move into, slip into, turn into, come into, set + foot (inside/in/on).* entrar en acción = enter + the picture.* entrar en conflicto = come into + conflict (with), run into + conflict.* entrar en conflicto con = conflict with, clash with, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.* entrar en contacto = come into + contact.* entrar en contacto con = get in + touch with.* entrar en decadencia = go to + seed.* entrar en el ámbito de = fall within + the ambit of.* entrar en erupción = erupt.* entrar en funcionamiento = go into + operation.* entrar en juego = bring into + play, call into + play.* entrar en la cabeza = get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around, get it into + Posesivo + head.* entrar en la dinámica = enter + the fray.* entrar en la mollera = get it into + Posesivo + head.* entrar en liquidación = go into + liquidation.* entrar en prensa = go to + press.* entrar en razón = come to + Posesivo + senses.* entrar en trance = go into + trance.* entrar en vigor = come into + force, come into + effect, go into + effect.* entrar hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.* entrar hipo = hiccup.* entrar ilegalmente = break in, break into.* entrar mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way into.* entrar miedo = become + jittery.* entrar presionando = snap into.* entrar rápidamente = dart onto.* entrar rápidamente en = whisk into.* entrar sed después del esfuerzo = work up + a thirst.* entrar sin autorización = trespass.* entrar sin ser visto = sneak into.* entrar y salir = come and go, drift in and out, wander in and out, go into and out of.* entrar y salir corriendo = run in and out.* evitar que + entrar = keep + Nombre + out.* no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.* por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre = in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other.* que entran en juego = at play.* que hace entrar en calor = warming.* recesión + entrar = recession + set in.* volver a entrar = come back in.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( acercándose) to come in; ( alejándose) to go inhazla entrar — tell her to come in, show her in
entró corriendo — he ran in, he came running in
¿se puede entrar con el coche? — can you drive in?
¿cómo entró? — how did he get in?
entrar en or (esp AmL) a algo: entró en el or al banco she went into the bank; nunca he entrado en or a esa tienda I've never been into o in that shop; no los dejaron entrar en or a Francia they weren't allowed into France; las tropas entraron en or a Varsovia — the troops entered Warsaw
2)a) (en etapa, estado)el reactor entró en funcionamiento — the reactor began operating o became operational
b) ( en tema)3)a) (introducirse, meterse)cierra la puerta, que entra frío — close the door, you're letting the cold in
b) ( poderse meter)¿entrará por la puerta? — will it get through the door?
c) ( ser lo suficientemente grande) (+ me/te/le etc)d) (fam) materia/lección/idea (+ me/te/le etc)la física no le entra — he just can't get the hang of o get to grips with physics (colloq)
ya se lo he explicado, pero no le entra — I've explained it to him but he just doesn't understand o he just can't get it into his head
e) (Auto) cambios/marchas4) hambre/miedo (+ me/te/le etc)le entró hambre/miedo — she felt o got hungry/frightened
me entró sueño/frío — I got o began to feel sleepy/cold
5) ( empezar) to start, beginentró de or como aprendiz — he started o began as an apprentice
entrar a matar — (Taur) to go in for the kill
6)a) ( incorporarse)entrar en or (esp AmL) a algo — ejército/empresa/convento to enter something
el año que entré en or a la universidad — the year I started college
acabo de entrar en or a la asociación — I've just joined the association
entrar en algo — guerra/campeonato/negociación to enter something
b) (Mús) instrumento/voz to come in, enter7)a) ( estar incluido)¿cuántas entran en un kilo? — how many do you get in a kilo?
eso no entraba en mis planes — I hadn't allowed for that, that wasn't part of the plan
esto ya entra en lo ridículo — this is becoming o getting ridiculous
b) ( ser incluido)estos números entrarán en un sorteo — these numbers will be included in o be entered for a draw
8)a) torob) futbolista to tacklerecoge Márquez, le entra Gordillo — Márquez gets the ball and he is tackled by Gordillo
9) ( en costura)2.¿cómo van a entrar el sofá? — how are they going to get the sofa in?
* * *= go into, go into, pass into, go in, step inside, walk in/into, come in, walk through + the door, patronise [patronize, -USA], patronage.Nota: Como cliente o usuario.Ex: As something you may or may not know, every item going into the processing stream is assigned a priority, and our judgment will in many cases be different from yours, as our needs will be different from yours.
Ex: As something you may or may not know, every item going into the processing stream is assigned a priority, and our judgment will in many cases be different from yours, as our needs will be different from yours.Ex: An abstracting bulletin is generally a weekly or monthly current-awareness service containing abstracts of all documents of interest that have passed into the library or information unit during that time.Ex: But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.Ex: He pushed open the door and stepped inside.Ex: 'When you walked in here, Tony, you looked as if you'd just seen a ghost' = "Tony, cuando entrastes aquí parecía como si hubieras visto un fantasma".Ex: Their duty is to come in before school each morning and check that the book checking system is in order and that the library is tidy and presentable.Ex: As I walk through the door of the first sporting goods store, I look for the running shoes I want.Ex: In the light of the continuing authoritarianism demonstrated by most librarians towards their patrons, it is small wonder that so few people patronized America's public libraries.Ex: 'Exit' is a vow, or intention, to never again patronage the offending library.* al entrar = on entry.* aventurarse a entrar en = venture into.* entrado en años = long in the tooth.* Entra en mi salón, dijo la araña... = Come into my parlour, said the spider....* entrar a formar parte de = enter in.* entrar a hurtadillas = steal into.* entrar apresuradamente = hurry in.* entrar a saco = burst into, storm into.* entrar bajo la competencia de = fall under + the purview of.* entrar con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.* entrar de lleno = plunge into.* entrar de lleno en = get + stuck into, get + stuck into.* entrar dentro de = fall into, fall under.* entrar dentro de la categoría de = fall under + the heading of.* entrar dentro de la competencia de = fall + under the purview of.* entrar dentro de la competencia de Alguien = fall within + Posesivo + purview.* entrar dentro de la jurisdicción de = fall under + the jurisdiction of.* entrar dentro del ámbito de = fall into + the ambit of.* entrar dentro de la responsabilidad de = fall under + the jurisdiction of, fall under + the auspices of, fall under + the purview of.* entrar dentro del dominio de = fall under + the umbrella of.* entrar dentro de una categoría = fall into + category, fall under + rubric.* entrar de sopetón = burst into, storm into.* entrar en = fall within/into, get into, walk into, move into, slip into, turn into, come into, set + foot (inside/in/on).* entrar en acción = enter + the picture.* entrar en conflicto = come into + conflict (with), run into + conflict.* entrar en conflicto con = conflict with, clash with, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.* entrar en contacto = come into + contact.* entrar en contacto con = get in + touch with.* entrar en decadencia = go to + seed.* entrar en el ámbito de = fall within + the ambit of.* entrar en erupción = erupt.* entrar en funcionamiento = go into + operation.* entrar en juego = bring into + play, call into + play.* entrar en la cabeza = get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around, get it into + Posesivo + head.* entrar en la dinámica = enter + the fray.* entrar en la mollera = get it into + Posesivo + head.* entrar en liquidación = go into + liquidation.* entrar en prensa = go to + press.* entrar en razón = come to + Posesivo + senses.* entrar en trance = go into + trance.* entrar en vigor = come into + force, come into + effect, go into + effect.* entrar hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.* entrar hipo = hiccup.* entrar ilegalmente = break in, break into.* entrar mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way into.* entrar miedo = become + jittery.* entrar presionando = snap into.* entrar rápidamente = dart onto.* entrar rápidamente en = whisk into.* entrar sed después del esfuerzo = work up + a thirst.* entrar sin autorización = trespass.* entrar sin ser visto = sneak into.* entrar y salir = come and go, drift in and out, wander in and out, go into and out of.* entrar y salir corriendo = run in and out.* evitar que + entrar = keep + Nombre + out.* no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.* por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre = in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other.* que entran en juego = at play.* que hace entrar en calor = warming.* recesión + entrar = recession + set in.* volver a entrar = come back in.* * *entrar [A1 ]■ entrar (verbo intransitivo)A acercándose, alejándoseB1 en una etapa, un estado2 en un temaC1 introducirse, meterse2 poderse meter3 ser lo suficientemente grande4 entrar en la cabeza5 Automovilismo6 InformáticaD entrarle frío etcE empezarF1 incorporarse2 MúsicaG1 estar incluido2 ser incluido3 entrarle a algoH1 Tauromaquia2 Deporte3 entrarle a algn■ entrar (verbo transitivo)1 traer, llevar2 en costuraviA (acercándose) to come in; (alejándose) to go inentra, no te quedes en la puerta come in, don't stand there in the doorwayquiero entrar a comprar cigarrillos I want to go in and buy some cigarettesen ese momento entró Nicolás just then Nicolás came o walked in, just then Nicolás entered the roomentraron sin pagar/por la ventana they got in without paying/through the windowdéjame entrar let me inhazla entrar tell her to come in, show her inentró corriendo/cojeando he ran/limped in, he came running/limping inése en mi casa no entra I am not having him in my house¿se puede entrar con el coche? can you drive in?, can you take the car in?entrar a puerto to put into portaquí nunca entró esa moda that fashion never took off herehay gente constantemente entrando y saliendo there are always people coming and goingfue entrar y salir I was in and out in no timeentrar EN or ( esp AmL) A algo:entró en el or al banco a cambiar dinero she went into the bank to change some moneynunca he entrado en or a esa tienda I've never been into o in that shopno los dejaron entrar en or a Francia they weren't allowed into Franceentraron en el or al país ilegalmente they entered the country illegallyun Ford negro entró en el or al garaje a black Ford pulled into the garagelas tropas entraron en or a Varsovia the troops entered Warsawni entrar ni salir en algo ( fam): yo en ese asunto ni entro ni salgo that has nothing to do with meB1 (en una etapa, un estado) entrar EN algo to enter sthpronto entraremos en una nueva década we shall soon be entering a new decadeal entrar en la pubertad on reaching pubertyentró en contacto con ellos he made contact with themno logro entrar en calor I just can't get warmentró en coma he went into a comacuando el reactor entró en funcionamiento when the reactor began operating o became operational2 (en un tema) entrar EN algo to go into sthsin entrar en los aspectos más técnicos without going into the more technical aspectsno quiero entrar en juicios de valor I don't want to get involved in o to make value judgmentsC1(introducirse, meterse): cierra la puerta, que entra frío close the door, you're letting the cold inle entra por un oído y le sale por el otro it goes in one ear and out the otherentrar EN algo:me ha entrado arena en los zapatos I've got sand in my shoes2(poderse meter): no entra por la puerta it won't go through the doorestá llena, no entra ni una cosa más it's full, you won't get anything else inestos clavos no entran en la pared these nails won't go into the wallestoy repleta, no me entra nada más I'm full, I couldn't eat another thing3 (ser lo suficientemente grande) (+ me/te/le etc):estos vaqueros ya no me entran I can't get into these jeans anymore, these jeans don't fit me anymoreel zapato no le entra he can't get his shoe on4 ( fam)«materia/lección/idea» (+ me/te/le etc): la física no le entra he just doesn't understand physics, he just can't get the hang of o get to grips with physics ( colloq)ya se lo he explicado varias veces, pero no le entra I've explained it to him several times but he just doesn't understand o he just can't get it into his headque la haya dejado es algo que no me entra (en la cabeza) I just can't understand him leaving her5 ( Automovilismo)«cambios/marchas»: no (me) entran las marchas I can't get it into gearno me entra la segunda I can't get it into second (gear)6 ( Informática) tbentrar en el sistema to log in, log onD«frío/hambre/miedo» (+ me/te/le etc): me está entrando hambre I'm beginning to feel hungryle entró miedo cuando lo vio she felt o was frightened when she saw itya me ha entrado la duda I'm beginning to have my doubts nowme entró sueño/frío I got o began to feel sleepy/coldE (empezar) to start, begin¿a qué hora entras a trabajar? what time do you start work?entró de or como aprendiz he started o began o joined as an apprenticetermina un siglo y entra otro one century comes to a close and another beginsentrar A + INF:entró a trabajar allí a los 18 años he started (working) there when he was 18entrar a matar ( Taur) to go in for the killF1 (incorporarse) entrar EN or ( esp AmL) A algo:entró en el or al convento muy joven she entered the convent when she was very youngel año que viene entra en la or a la universidad she's going to college o she starts college next yearel año que entré en la asociación the year that I joined the associationentró en la or a la empresa de jefe de personal he joined the company as personnel manager2 ( Música) «instrumento/voz» to come in, enterG1 (estar incluido) entrar EN algo:ese tema no entra en el programa that subject is not on o in the syllabusel postre no entra en el precio dessert is not included in the price¿cuántas entran en un kilo? how many do you get in a kilo?eso no entraba en mis planes I hadn't allowed for that, that wasn't part of the planno entraba en or dentro de sus obligaciones it was not part of o one of his dutiesesto ya entra en or dentro de lo ridículo this is becoming o getting ridiculous2(ser incluido): creo que entraremos en la segunda tanda I think we'll be in the second grouplos números no premiados entrarán en un segundo sorteo the non-winning numbers will go into o be included in o be entered for a second draw3¡ándale! éntrale a estos frijoles, están muy buenos come on! tuck into these beans, they're very goodH1( Tauromaquia) «toro»: el toro no entraba al capote the bull wouldn't charge at the cape2 ( Deporte) «futbolista» to tacklerecoge Márquez, (le) entra Gordillo Márquez gets the ball and is tackled by Gordillo3■ entrarvtva a llover, hay que entrar la ropa it's going to rain, we'll have to bring the washing invoy a entrar el coche I'm just going to put the car away o put the car in the garage¿cómo van a entrar el sofá? how are they going to get the sofa in?no se puede entrar animales al país you are not allowed to take/bring animals into the countrylo entró de contrabando he smuggled it in2(en costura): hay que entrarle un poco de los costados it needs taking in a bit at the sides* * *
entrar ( conjugate entrar) verbo intransitivo
1 ( acercándose) to come in;
( alejándose) to go in;
hazla entrar tell her to come in, show her in;
entró corriendo he ran in, he came running in;
¿se puede entrar con el coche? can you drive in?;
había gente entrando y saliendo there were people coming and going;
¿cómo entró? how did he get in?;
entrar en or (esp AmL) a algo ‹a edificio/habitación› to go into sth;
entró en el or al banco she went into the bank
2 (en etapa, estado) entrar en algo ‹en periodo/guerra/negociaciones› to enter sth;
entró en coma he went into a coma
3a) (introducirse, meterse):◊ cierra la puerta, que entra frío close the door, you're letting the cold in;
me entró arena en los zapatos I've got sand in my shoesb) ( poderse meter):◊ ¿entrará por la puerta? will it get through the door?;
(+ me/te/le etc):
el zapato no le entra he can't get his shoe on;
no me entra la segunda (Auto) I can't get it into second (gear)
4 [ hambre] (+ me/te/le etc):◊ le entró hambre she felt o got hungry;
me ha entrado la duda I'm beginning to have my doubts;
me entró sueño I got o began to feel sleepy
5 ( empezar) to start, begin;◊ entró de aprendiz he started o began as an apprentice
6 ( incorporarse) entrar en or (esp AmL) a algo ‹en empresa/ejército/club› to join sth;
‹ en convento› to enter sth;
el año que entré en or a la universidad the year I started college I've just joined the association
7 ( estar incluido):
¿cuántas entran en un kilo? how many do you get in a kilo?
verbo transitivo ( traer) to bring in;
( llevar) to take in;◊ ¿cómo van a entrar el sofá? how are they going to get the sofa in?
I verbo intransitivo
1 to come in, go in, enter: los ladrones entraron por la ventana, the burglars entered through the window ➣ Ver nota en ir
2 (encajar) to fit: esta llave no entra, this key doesn't fit
3 (estar incluido) to be included: eso no entra en el precio, that's not included in the price
4 (en una organización, partido) to join, get into: entró en el club, he was admitted to the club
5 (en una situación) to go into: el avión entró en barrena, the plane went into a spin
entrar en calor, to warm up
6 (comenzar) el mes que entra, next month, the coming month
7 (sobrevenir) to come over: le entraron ganas de llorar, he felt like crying
me entró un ataque de histeria, I went into hysterics
8 (agradar) no me entran las lentejas, I don't like lentils
II verbo transitivo
1 to bring in: entra las sillas, take the chairs in
2 Inform to enter
♦ Locuciones: entrar en la cabeza: no me entra en la cabeza que hayas hecho eso, I can't understand why you have done that
ni entrar ni salir, to play no part in the matter: en cuestiones sentimentales ni entro ni salgo, I steer well clear of touchy subjects
' entrar' also found in these entries:
- abarrotado
- acceder
- adherirse
- arriar
- asomarse
- barrena
- caber
- calor
- codazo
- colarse
- dejar
- disminuir
- erupción
- escena
- funcionamiento
- guardacantón
- hacer
- irse
- le
- meterse
- pasar
- perdón
- razón
- robar
- saco
- tocar
- trance
- vigencia
- vigor
- bala
- chequeo
- chocar
- colar
- coma
- conflicto
- contacto
- desorden
- detalle
- dificultad
- duda
- ebullición
- esperar
- función
- gata
- hurtadillas
- introducir
- juego
- limpiar
- meter
- admit
- barge
- barge in
- break into
- bring in
- burglarize
- burst in
- climb
- come in
- come into
- crowd
- customary
- dash in
- dash into
- detail
- effect
- enter
- entry
- erupt
- fetch in
- flounce
- force
- get in
- go in
- go into
- hear of
- in
- input
- inside
- join
- jump in
- keep out
- left
- let in
- listen
- log in
- log on
- may
- move in
- penetrate
- pop in
- re-enter
- reason
- roll in
- run in
- sense
- show up
- slip in
* * *♦ vi1. [introducirse] [viniendo] to enter, to come in;[yendo] to enter, to go in;déjame entrar let me in;entrar en algo to enter sth, to come/go into sth;acababa de entrar en casa cuando… she had just got back home o got into the house when…;lo vi entrar en el restaurante I saw him go into the restaurant;entré por la ventana I got in through the window;no tiene edad para entrar en discotecas she's not old enough to go to discos;entró a toda velocidad he rushed in;entra al campo Rubio en sustitución de un compañero Rubio is coming on for his teammate2. [penetrar] to go in;cierra la puerta, entra mucho viento close the door, you're letting the wind in;este disquete no entra en la disquetera this disk won't go into the disk driveen esta habitación entran dos alfombras there's room for two rugs in this room;este anillo no me entra I can't get this ring on my finger;el pie no me entra en el zapato I can't get this shoe on[club, partido político] to join (sth);entró en la universidad a los dieciocho años he went to university when he was eighteen;entrar en la Unión Europea to join the European Union;entró a trabajar de ayudante he started off as an assistantentrar a hacer algo to start doing sth;entró a trabajar hace un mes she started work a month ago;RP Famcuando me lo dijo, entré a atar cabos when he told me, I started putting two and two together;RP Famcuando entró a pensar en el asunto, ya era demasiado tarde by the time he began thinking about the matter, it was already too late6. [participar] to join in;entrar en [discusión, polémica] to join in;[negocio] to get in on;no entremos en cuestiones morales let's not get involved in moral issues;no tuvo tiempo de entrar en juego she didn't have time to get into the game;yo ahí ni entro ni salgo it has nothing to do with me;yo no entro en temas políticos porque no entiendo I don't discuss politics because I don't understand it7. [estar incluido]entrar en, entrar dentro de to be included in;la cena entra en el precio dinner is included in the price;¿cuántos entran en un kilo? how many do you get to the kilo?;este retraso no entraba en nuestros planes this delay did not form part of our plansme entran ganas de ponerme a cantar I've got an urge to start singing;me está entrando frío/sueño I'm getting cold/sleepy;me entró mucha pena I was filled with pity;entró en calor rápidamente she soon warmed up o got warm;me entran sudores sólo de pensarlo it makes me break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it;me entró la risa I got the giggles10. [periodo de tiempo] to start;el verano entra el 21 de junio summer starts on 21 June;entrar en [edad, vejez] to reach;[año nuevo] to start;entramos en una nueva era de cooperación we are entering a new era of cooperationno le entra en la cabeza que eso no se hace he can't seem to get it into his head that that sort of behaviour is out12. Aut to engage;no entra la tercera it won't go into third gear13. Mús to come in;ahora entra la sección de viento now the wind section comes in14. Taurom to charge;entrar al engaño to charge the cape¡qué bien entra este vino! this wine goes down a treat!;no, gracias, no me entra más no thanks, I couldn't take any more♦ vt1. [introducir] [trayendo] to bring in;[llevando] to take in;entra la ropa antes de que se moje take o bring the washing in before it gets wet;entra las herramientas en el cobertizo y vamos a pasear put the tools in the shed and we'll go for a walk;¿por dónde entraremos el piano? where are we going to get the piano in?;entran tabaco de contrabando they bring in contraband tobacco, they smuggle tobacco2. [acometer] to approach;a ése no hay por donde entrarle it's impossible to know how to approach him;hay un chico que le gusta, pero no sabe cómo entrarle there's a boy she fancies, but she doesn't know how to get talking to him3. [en fútbol] to tackle;entró al contrario con violencia he made a heavy challenge on his opponent;entrar en falta a alguien to commit a foul on sb* * *I v/i¡entre! come in!;yo en eso no entro ni salgo that has nothing to do with me, I have nothing to do with that3 caber fit;el pantalón no me entra these pants don’t fit me;la llave no entra the key doesn’t fit;no me entra en la cabeza I can’t understand it4:¿cuántos plátanos entran en un kilo? how many bananas are there in a kilo?5:me entró frío/sueño I got cold/sleepy, I began to feel cold/sleepy;me entró miedo I got scared, I began to feel scared6:entrar en go into;entrar en los 40 años turn 407 ( gustar):este tipo no me entra I don’t like the look of the guy, I don’t like the guy’s face8 ( empezar):entrar (a trabajar) a las ocho start (work) at eight o’clockII v/t3 INFOR enter4 en fútbol tackle* * *entrar vi1) : to enter, to go in, to come in2) : to beginentrar vt1) : to bring in, to introduce2) : to access* * *entrar vb1. (ir adentro) to go in2. (lograr acceso, subir a un coche) to get inentra, que hace frío fuera come in it's cold outside5. (ingresar) to join / to get into6. (estar incluido) to be included9. (en fútbol) to tackle -
19 entrer
entrer [ɑ̃tʀe]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━➭ TABLE 1━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. <━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► entrer se traduira par to come in ou par to go in suivant que le locuteur se trouve ou non à l'endroit en question.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━a. to go (or to come) in• entrez ! come in!• entrer chez qn to come (or go) into sb's houseb. [marchandises, devises] to enter• entrer dans un fichier/système (légalement) to enter a file/system ; (illégalement) to hack into a file/systemc. (Theatre) « entrent trois gardes » "enter three guards"d. ( = tenir) to go in• il faut que je perde 3 kg pour entrer dans cette robe I'll have to lose 3 kilos if I want to get into this dresse. ( = devenir membre de) entrer dans [+ club, parti, entreprise] to joinf. ( = heurter) entrer dans [+ arbre, poteau] to crash intoh. ( = commencer à être) entrer dans [+ phase, période] to enter• entrer dans la vie active or dans le monde du travail to begin one's working lifei. (locutions)• laisser entrer qn dans to let sb into► faire entrer [+ pièce, objet à emballer] to fit in ; (en fraude) [+ marchandises, immigrants] to smuggle in ; [+ accusé, témoin] to bring in ; [+ invité, visiteur] to show in2. <a. ( = faire entrer) comment allez-vous entrer cette armoire dans la chambre ? how are you going to get that wardrobe into the bedroom?b. [+ données] to key in* * *ɑ̃tʀe
verbe transitif (+ v avoir)1) ( transporter) ( vu de l'intérieur) to bring [something] in; ( vu de l'extérieur) to take [something] in3) Informatique to enter4) Sport to score [but]
verbe intransitif (+ v être)1) ( pénétrer) gén to get in, to enter; ( en allant) to go in; ( en venant) to come in; ( en roulant) to drive inl'eau est entrée par une fissure — the water came in ou got in through a crack
je suis entré dans Paris par le sud — ( en voiture) I drove into Paris from the south
‘défense d'entrer’ — ( sur une porte) ‘no entry’; ( sur une barrière) ‘no trespassing’
faire entrer la table par la fenêtre — ( vu de l'intérieur) to bring the table in through the window; ( vu de l'extérieur) to take the table in through the window
2) (tenir, s'adapter) to fitfaire entrer quelque chose dans quelque chose — to fit ou get something into a something
3) (s'intégrer, commencer)entrer dans — to enter [débat, période]; to join [opposition, gouvernement, armée]
entrer en — to enter into [pourparlers, négociations]
il entre dans la catégorie des... — he comes into the category of...
entrer dans la légende — [personne] to become a legend; [fait] to become legendary
j'ai fait entrer tes dépenses dans les frais généraux — I've included your expenses in the overheads
4) ( être un élément de)
verbe impersonnel* * *ɑ̃tʀe1. vi1) (dans un lieu) (en allant) to go in, to enter, (en venant) to come in, to enterentrer dans [pièce, immeuble] (en allant) — to go into, to enter, (en venant) to come into, to enter
Ils sont tous entrés dans la maison. — They all went into the house.
2) [objet, meuble, pièce]Le piano a pu entrer par la fenêtre. — They managed to get the piano in through the window.
On l'a fait entrer par la fenêtre. — We got it in through the window.
3) (comme membre, patient)entrer dans [club, institution] — to join
entrer dans le système INFORMATIQUE — to log in, to log on
4) (= heurter)entrer dans [mélange] — to go into, [responsabilités] to form part of
6) (= se joindre)entrer dans [vues, craintes de qn] — to share
2. vt1) INFORMATIQUE to input, to enterentrer des données — to input data, to enter data
J'ai entré toutes les adresses de mon agenda sur mon ordinateur. — I've entered all the addresses in my diary onto my computer., I've put all the addresses in my diary onto my computer.
2) [marchandises] (en allant) to take in, (en venant) to bring in3) [meuble] to get inOn l'a entré par la fenêtre. — We got it in through the window.
4) [griffes] to sink inLe chat lui entrait ses griffes dans le bras. — The cat sank its claws into his arm.
* * *entrer verb table: aimerA vtr (+ v avoir)1 ( transporter) ( vu de l'intérieur) to bring [sth] in [objet, marchandise]; ( vu de l'extérieur) to take [sth] in [objet, marchandise]; entrer qch en fraude dans un pays to smuggle sth into a country;2 ( enfoncer) to stick [ongles, épée] (dans into);4 Sport to score [but].B vi (+ v être)1 ( pénétrer) gén to get in, to enter; ( en allant) to go in; ( en venant) to come in; ( en roulant) to drive in; je l'ai vu entrer dans la maison par la fenêtre/par la porte de derrière I saw him get into ou enter the house through the window/by the back door; la balle est entrée au-dessus de l'oreille the bullet entered above the ear; l'eau est entrée par une fissure the water came in ou got in through a crack; ils sont entrés en France par l'Italie they came into France via Italy; je suis entré dans Paris par le sud ( en voiture) I drove into Paris from the south; ils sont entrés sur le court/notre territoire/la scène politique they came onto the court/our territory/the political scene; nous sommes entrés dans l'eau/la boue jusqu'aux chevilles we sank up to our ankles in water/mud; les marchandises entrent et sortent sans aucun contrôle goods come and go without being checked at all; entrez! come in!; ‘défense d'entrer’ ( sur une porte) ‘no entry’; ( sur une barrière) ‘no trespassing’; je ne fais qu'entrer et sortir I can only stay a minute; laisse-moi entrer! let me in!; ne laisse pas/j'ai laissé le chat entrer dans la cuisine don't let/I let the cat into the kitchen; fais entrer le chat dans la cuisine let the cat into the kitchen; je vous ferai entrer par la cuisine I'll let you in through the kitchen; faire entrer la table par la fenêtre ( vu de l'intérieur) to bring the table in through the window; ( vu de l'extérieur) to take the table in through the window; fais-la entrer show her in; faites entrer show him/her/them etc in;2 (tenir, s'adapter) c'est trop gros, ça n'entrera jamais it's too big, it'll never fit; ça n'entre pas dans la valise it doesn't fit in the suitcase; la clé n'entre pas dans la serrure the key doesn't fit ou won't go in the lock; faire entrer qch dans une valise to fit ou get sth into a suitcase; je n'arrive pas à faire entrer la pièce dans la fente I can't get the coin into the slot; on peut faire entrer trente personnes dans la pièce you can fit ou get thirty people in the room; nous sommes entrés à dix dans la voiture we got ten of us into the car;3 (s'intégrer, commencer) entrer dans to enter [débat, période]; to join [opposition, entreprise]; entrer à to enter [école, hit-parade]; to join [gouvernement, parti, armée]; to get into [université]; entrer en to enter into [pourparlers, négociations]; il entre en deuxième année he's going into his second year; il entre dans sa quarantième année he's turned thirty-nine; il entre dans la quarantaine he's pushing forty; entrer dans la vie de qn to come into sb's life; le doute est entré dans mon esprit I'm beginning to have doubts; entrer dans l'hiver to enter the winter; entrer en convalescence to start to convalesce; n'entrons pas dans ces considérations/les détails let's not go into those matters/the details; faire entrer qn dans une organisation/qch dans un système to get sb into an organization/sth into a system; il m'a fait entrer au ministère he got me into the ministry; je ne sais pas comment cette idée lui est entrée dans la tête I don't know how he/she got that idea into his/her head; il entre dans la catégorie des… he comes into the category of…; expression entrée dans l'usage expression which has come into use; entrer dans l'histoire to go down in history; entrer dans la légende [personne] to become a legend; [fait] to become legendary; entrer dans le capital de… Fin to take a stake in…; acteur qui entre dans son personnage actor who gets into his/her character; mesure qui entre mal dans le cadre d'une politique libérale measure which does not fit the framework of a liberal policy; faire entrer un mot nouveau dans le dictionnaire to put a new word in the dictionary; cela n'entre pas dans mes attributions it's not part of my duties; la question n'entre pour rien dans ma décision the question has no bearing on my decision; j'ai fait entrer tes dépenses dans les frais généraux I've included your expenses in the overheads; entrer en mouvement/fusion to begin to move/to melt; entrer dans une colère noire or une rage folle to fly into a blind rage;4 ( être un élément de) les ingrédients qui entrent dans la recette the ingredients which go into ou make up the recipe; le carbone entre pour moitié dans ce composé carbon makes up half (of) this compound; leurs parts entrent pour 20% dans le capital their shares make up 20% of the capital.C v impers il entre une part de chance dans tout a certain amount of luck goes into everything; il n'entre pas dans mes intentions de faire I have no intention of doing; il n'entre pas dans mes habitudes de faire I am not in the habit of doing.[ɑ̃tre] verbe intransitif (auxiliaire être)A.[PÉNÉTRER]1. [personne - généralement] to enter ; [ - vu de l'intérieur] to come in ; [ - vu de l'extérieur] to go in ; [ - à pied] to walk in ; [ - à cheval, à bicyclette] to ride in[véhicule] to drive intoc, toc! — entrez! knock, knock! — come in!entrez, entrez! do come in!, come on in!empêche-les d'entrer keep them out, don't let them inentrer au port to come into ou to enter harbouret voici les joueurs qui entrent sur le terrain/court here are the players coming onto the field/courta. [en lui montrant le chemin] show her inb. [en l'appelant] call her in[vent, eau]par où entre l'eau? how does the water penetrate ou get in?laisser entrer: ce genre de fenêtre laisse entrer plus de lumière this kind of window lets more light in2. [adhérer]elle entre à la maternelle/en troisième année she's going to nursery school/moving up into the third yeara. [généralement] to get goods inb. [en fraude] to smuggle goods in4. [tenir, trouver sa place]a. [généralement] I can fit another bag under the seatb. [en serrant] I can squeeze another bag under the seat5. (familier) [connaissances, explication] to sink inl'informatique, ça entre tout seul avec elle learning about computers is very easy with her as a teacher6. RELIGIONB.[DÉBUTER] [une action]entrer en ébullition to reach boiling point, to begin to boil————————[ɑ̃tre] verbe transitif (auxiliaire avoir)1. [produits - généralement] to take in (separable), to bring in (separable), to import ; [ - en fraude] to smuggle in (separable)2. [enfoncer] to dig3. [passer]————————entrer dans verbe plus préposition[à pied] to walk intoil ne les laisse jamais entrer dans la chambre noire he never lets ou allows them into the black room2. [adhérer à - obj: club, association, parti] to join, to become a member of ; [ - obj: entreprise] to joinentrer dans une famille [par mariage] to marry into a family4. [constituant]l'eau entre pour moitié dans cette boisson water makes up 50% of this drink5. [se mêler de] to enter intoje ne veux pas entrer dans vos histoires I don't want to have anything to do with ou to be involved in your little schemes[se lancer dans]6. [être inclus dans]entrer dans l'usage [terme] to come into common use, to become part of everyday language7. [s'enfoncer, pénétrer dans]la balle/flèche est entrée dans son bras the bullet/arrow lodged itself in her arm8. [tenir dans] to get in, to go in, to fit intout n'entrera pas dans la valise we won't get everything in the suitcase, everything won't fit in the suitcasefaire entrer [en poussant]: faire entrer des vêtements dans une valise to press clothes in ou down in a suitcase9. [obj: période] to enterj'espère ne pas entrer dans cette catégorie de personnes I hope I don't belong to that category of people11. (familier) [obj: connaissances, explication]b. [à force de répéter] to drum ou to hammer something into somebody's headtu ne lui feras jamais entrer dans la tête que c'est impossible you'll never get it into his head ou convince him that it's impossible -
20 inscrire
inscrire [ɛ̃skʀiʀ]➭ TABLE 391. transitive verba. ( = marquer) [+ nom, date] to note down ; [+ but] to scoreb. ( = enregistrer) [+ étudiant] to register2. reflexive verba. [personne] to register (à at)• s'inscrire à un parti/club to join a party/clubb. ( = apparaître) un message s'est inscrit sur l'écran a message came up on the screenc. ( = s'insérer) cette mesure s'inscrit dans un ensemble the measure is part of a package* * *ɛ̃skʀiʀ
1) ( enregistrer) [institution, enseignant] to enrol [BrE] [élève]; to register [étudiant]faites-vous inscrire à la mairie pour le tournoi — put your name down at the Town Hall for the tournament
2) ( écrire) to write down [nom, rendez-vous]
s'inscrire verbe pronominal1) ( faire enregistrer) École to enrol [BrE]; Université to registers'inscrire à un parti/club — to join a party/club
2) ( faire partie de)3)* * *ɛ̃skʀiʀ vt1) (= écrire) (sur son calepin) to note down, to write down, (sur un mur, une affiche) to write2) (= inclure) to put downinscrire qch au budget [dépenses, crédits, travaux, réparations] — to budget for sth
3) SPORT, [but, essai] to scoreIl a inscrit son troisième but de la partie. — He scored his third goal of the game.
4) (dans la pierre, le métal) to inscribe5) (comme membre, élève)inscrire qn à (club, école) — to enrol sb at
6) MATHÉMATIQUE, [figure géométrique] to inscribe* * *inscrire verb table: écrireA vtr1 ( enregistrer) [institution, enseignant] to enrolGB [élève]; to register [étudiant]; je l'ai inscrite à l'école du quartier/à un cours de violon I enrolled her at the local primary school/for violin lessons; inscrire qn sur une liste to enter sb's name on a list; inscrire une question à l'ordre du jour to place an item on the agenda; se faire inscrire à to join; se faire inscrire sur les listes électorales to get oneself put on the electoral roll; faites-vous inscrire à la mairie pour le tournoi put your name down at the Town Hall for the tournament;2 ( écrire) to write down [nom, rendez-vous].B s'inscrire vpr1 ( faire enregistrer) Scol to enrolGB; Univ to register, to matriculate; s'inscrire à l'université to register at the university; s'inscrire à un parti/club to join a party/club; s'inscrire à un examen to enter for an exam; s'inscrire à un tournoi to enter (one's name) for a tournament; s'inscrire au chômage to register as unemployed; s'inscrire sur les listes électorales to get oneself put on the electoral roll;2 ( faire partie de) s'inscrire dans le cadre de to be in line with; s'inscrire dans la logique de to fit into the scheme of; s'inscrire dans une stratégie/un plan de restructuration to be part of a strategy/a restructuring programmeGB; s'inscrire dans une volonté de réforme to be part and parcel of a desire for reform; le nouveau bâtiment s'inscrit mal dans l'architecture du quartier the new building does not fit in well with the architecture of the area;3 s'inscrire en faux contre qch to dispute the validity of sth.[ɛ̃skrir] verbe transitif1. [écrire - chiffre, détail] to write ou to note (down)inscris ton nom au tableau/sur la feuille write your name (up) on the board/(down) on the sheetje ferai inscrire son nom sur la tombe I'll have his name engraved ou inscribed on the tombstone(faire) inscrire un enfant à l'école to register ou to enrol a child for school, to put a child's name down for schoolles étudiants inscrits à l'examen the students entered for the exam, the students sitting the exam (UK)se faire inscrire sur les listes électorales to register as a voter, to put one's name on the electoral registerinscrire quelqu'un (pour un rendez-vous) to put somebody ou somebody's name down for an appointmentet la liste des passagers? — il n'y est pas inscrit non plus the passenger list? — he's not listed there ou his name's not on it eitherson style l'inscrit dans la tradition italienne her style places ou situates her within the Italian traditioninscrire un prix littéraire/un disque d'or à son palmarès to add a literary prize/a gold disc to one's list of achievementsinscrire une question à l'ordre du jour to put ou to place a question on the agenda————————s'inscrire verbe pronominal (emploi réfléchi)a. [club, parti, bibliothèque] to joinb. [université] to register ou to enrol atc. [concours, rallye] to enter ou to put one's name down for————————s'inscrire verbe pronominal intransitifle numéro de téléphone va s'inscrire sur vos écrans the phone number will come up ou be displayed ou appear on your screens2. DROITs'inscrire en faux contre une politique/des allégations (figuré) to strongly denounce a policy/deny allegations3. BOURSEs'inscrire en hausse/baisse to be (marked) up/downles valeurs industrielles s'inscrivent en baisse de 13 points à la clôture industrial shares closed 13 points down————————s'inscrire dans verbe pronominal plus préposition(soutenu) [suj: événement, attitude] to be consistent with, to be in keeping with, to be in line with[suj: œuvre] to take its place incette mesure s'inscrit dans le cadre de notre campagne this measure comes ou lies within the framework of our campaign
См. также в других словарях:
School for the Talented & Gifted — Infobox School name = School for the Talented Gifted type = Public, Secondary location = 1201 E. Eighth St. Dallas, TX 75203 imagesize = 100px district = Dallas Independent School District grades = 9 12 principal = F. Michael Satarino [http://www … Wikipedia
school — I n. educational institution 1) to direct; operate a school 2) to attend, go to school; to enter (a) school (they go to a good school) 3) to accredit a school 4) to finish, graduate from (AE), leave (BE) school (she left school and went to… … Combinatory dictionary
Enter (town) — Enter (Low German: Eanter ) is a village in the west of Twente in the province of Overijssel, The Netherlands. It is part of the municipality of Wierden, between Almelo, Goor, Bornerbroek and Rijssen and has approximately 7500 inhabitants.… … Wikipedia
enter — 1 Enter, penetrate, pierce, probe are comparable when meaning to make way into something so as to reach or pass through the interior. Enter (see also ENTER 2) is the most comprehensive of these words and the least explicit in its implications.… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Enter — or ENTER can mean:* Enter key * Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank, Australian school student assessment * Enter (town), town in the Netherlands * Enter (album), a 1997 album by Within Temptation * Enter (Russian Circles album), a 2006… … Wikipedia
enter — [ent′ər] vt. [ME entren < OFr entrer < L intrare < intra, within, inside: see INTRA ] 1. to come or go in or into 2. to force a way into; penetrate; pierce [the bullet entered his body] 3. to put into; insert 4. to write down in a record … English World dictionary
School choice — is a term used to describe a wide array of programs aimed at giving families the opportunity to choose the school their children will attend. As a matter of form, school choice does not give preference to one form of schooling or another, rather… … Wikipedia
Enter (magazine) — Enter was an American magazine produced from October 1983 to May 1985 by Children s Television Workshop (CTW, later renamed Sesame Workshop).Similar to sibling titles Sesame Street magazine and 3 2 1 Contact magazine, the title was aimed at… … Wikipedia
School-to-work transition — is a phrase referring to on the job training, apprenticeships, cooperative education agreements or other programs designed to prepare students to enter the job market. This education system is primarily employed in the United States, partially as … Wikipedia
Enter Without So Much as Knocking — is a poem written by Bruce Dawe. It can be found in the compilation, Sometimes Gladness: Collected Poems 1954 1992 .AnalysisTelevisionThe poem was written in 1959 and displays an Australia during the advent of television. The post war period of… … Wikipedia
enter somebody's name (for something) — enter sb s/your ˈname (for sth) | put sb s/your ˈname down (for sth) idiom to apply for a place at a school, in a competition, etc. for sb or yourself • Have you entered your name for the quiz yet? • They ve already put his name down for Eton… … Useful english dictionary